Pastoral Ministry / Spiritual Leadership

Two important bodies assist the congregation in discerning God's direction and plans for First Baptist.


The Deacon Ministry is made up of seasoned and tested members whose primary responsibility is to serve the congregation through the Deacon Ministry Plan. In that plan, active households within the church family are divided among the individual Deacons. Each deacon has these specific responsibilities:

Pray frequently for members of that household and seek out specific needs and concerns in their lives to pray for.
Availability to members of their household in times of celebration and crisis
Contact each household on a monthly basis to learn of needs and offer encouragement.
Example - Deacons take their discipleship seriously and recognize that they should do their best to model the example of Jesus in word, deed and attitude.

  • Deacons are also involved in cultivating new friends for First Baptist through our welcome team.
  • Representatives of the Deacon body also serve with representatives of the Trustees and congregational at-large members on the Human Relations Council (personnel committee)


The Board of Trustees is responsible to be good stewards of the physical resources that are available to serve the mission of God through First Baptist. Members of the Trustees are assigned to care for the following resources.

  • Building and Grounds Team is charged with overseeing physical repairs and improvements needed on campus.
  • Stewardship Team is responsible to oversee the receipts and disbursements of church funds, shepherd the budget formation process, and encourage good financial stewardship among members of the church family.
  • Human Resources Council is made of three Trustees who serve a three year rotation. They along with representatives from the Deacon Ministry and three at-large members affirmed by the congregation shepherd the care of the church's Pastor, Staff Ministers and Support Staff. They set personnel policies, mediate staff disputes, and suggest salaries and benefits to the Stewardship Team and/or church family.