FirstKids Children's Ministry Birth through 5th grade


Children and Families are important to us because they are so important to God. The Bible tells us that kids are a blessing from God. While Jesus was on earth, He made a point to welcome children and to affirm their value. Make no mistake, kids matter to God!!

At FirstKids, we have so many wonderful volunteers that work with our children and their #1 qualification is the love of God and children. We love to serve and minister to children and their families!


Sunday School, 9:45-10:45AM 1st-5th Grade

Exciting, experience-based, workshop style classes that bring the Bible alive. Cooking, art, drama, construction, mission, sign language, games, and more. Begins in Room 323.

Sunday School, 9:45-10:45 AM Little Ones (Birth-K)

FBC children's security tag

Sunday School is in Preschool area on the first floor between our security doors.

All preschool ministries use a secure check-in tag to ensure we have important information about your child. Keep the return portion for pick-up. 

Extended Session (0-3 year olds) 11:00AM-12:15PM

Extended Session is offered to lovingly care for children 0-3 years old during our 11:00 am worship.  


Worship KidStyle


For ages 4-5. Children remain in the Sunday School classrooms during 11:00 am worship.


Bible Skills, Drills & Thrills Sundays, September through April

3rd - 6th Grade, 4:00-5:30 PM

A fun opportunity to join in games & exciting activities to learn the skills in using your Bible. Room 326.

Wednesdays (Sept-May)

ROCK For 1st through 5th Grades

6:00-6:35   Music & Worship. Room 323

6:40-7:15   Missions

Mission Friends/Wee Musicians For 3 year olds through Kindergarten

6:00-6:35   Wee Musicians

6:40-7:15   Mission Friends

Rooms 126/130

Childcare Birth through 3 year olds

6:00-7:30   Room 128



Upcoming Events

Trip Sign-Up

Get in touch

If you have any questions about the Children's Ministry, please send us a message below and we will be in contact with you.

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